News & Events

Wise Member Spotlight

Published on February 13, 2019
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Robin Y. Bennett is the CEO / Founder of Robins Haven of Hope Inc., a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization created to build stronger communities by focusing on the youth in the Houston (Harris County) area. Their focus is to break the cycle of poverty by changing the mindset of poverty. Their 4 foundational pillars are Resources, Education, Awareness, & Prevention (REAP). Robin’s Hope is teaching children that they too will “REAP what they sow”, and challenge them to own their future!

Robin’s responsibilities include Organizing mentors, speakers, & volunteer opportunities; Planning college campus visits & community events; and manage day-to-day operations! 

Robin joined #WISEHou because she was very inspired by the women and the way they have helped to build each other’s character. Robin is an active WISE member & has enjoyed every event she’s attended. She is constantly meeting people from different walks of life and hopes she leaves the same positive effect other WISE members leave on her!